Lance Wallach on 419, 412i, and more

1 comment:

  1. Our Team Defends Insurance Agents Who Sold 419 and 412i Benefit Plansrance
    scam” health insurance fraud” “tax shelter fraud” “tax shelter scam” "expert witness
    irs" veba "expert witness services" "Grist Mill Trust" Benistar "SADI Trust" "Beta 419"
    "Millennium Plan" Bisys "Creative Services Group" "Sterling Benefit Plan" "Compass
    419" “Niche 419” CRESP "Sea Nine Veba" “419 plan” 412i 419e "expert witness
    insurance fraud" "welfare benefit plans" "419 plan help" "expert witness irs" “Lance
    Wallach” “419 plan help” “412i plan help” “tax resolution services” “irs problem
    solvers” “form 8886” 6707a “irs letter” “abusive tax shelters” “abusive tax shelter”
    “listed transactions” “listed transaction” “8886 help” “expert witness” “life insurance
    expert” “tax expert” “irs audit defense” “abusive tax shelter help” "tax letter" "irs
    letter" "irs letters" "irs determination letter" 419e 412i 6707A "form 8886" "listed
    transactions" veba "expert witness services" “abusive tax shelter help”

    Specializing in 412i and "419 Plan Help" and "IRS Audit Defense"for Insurance Agents
    The Tax Audit Pros
    5 1 6 - 9 3 8 - 5 0 0 7

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    Copyright (C) 2010 - Lance Wallach

    Our team of experienced consulting "tax attorneys", CPAs, and "insurance experts" specializing in 412i" and "419 "IRS
    audits" that resulted from plans you sold to your clients, mainly "419 plans", "412i plans", "captive insurance" plans
    and "Section 79" plans as well as other similar "employee benefit plans" or "welfare benefit plans" that the IRS is
    targeting as "abusive tax shelters".

    Our firm has been successful in "defending life insurance agents" and "material advisors" who have participated in
    the sale of these "benefit plans".

    If you signed a return or participated in the sale of these "welfare benefit plans", you are probably a "material
    advisor" and subject to huge "IRS penalties and interest". No "Form 8886" or "Form 8918" that we have reviewed for
    new clients has been properly prepared, which leaves the "material advisor" subject to the $200,000 "IRS penalty".

    We fight for our clients to defend against the $200,000 IRS "6707A penalty" by providing "expert witness
    testimony". Lance's side has never lost a case!
