Contact 8886 form experts for immediate assistance

Contact 8886 form experts for immediate assistance


  1. What Plan Were You In?

    Welfare benefit plans (419), 412i, captive insurance and Section 79 plans are under intense IRS scrutiny and no matter what plan
    you were in, you surely need help now. The IRS has been cracking down on 419, 412i, listed transactions and virtually all plans,
    making it difficult for anyone who has been involved with one of these plans. Listed below are some of the companies and names of
    salesmen, and others that you may recognize.

    Plan Names:

    Beta plan
    Millennium plan
    Grist Mill Trust
    Compass welfare benefit plan
    Sea Nine VEBA
    Professional Benefits Trust
    Integrity 419
    Integrity Benefit Plan
    Veba Plan
    Sterling 419

    People, law firms, etc., affiliated with plans:
    Doug Williams
    Arch Bonnema
    Steve Toth
    Michael Sonnenberg
    Ron Snyder
    Brian Cave
    Norman Bevan
    Dennis Cunning
    Williams Coulson
    Phil Rowe
    Kenny Hartstein
    Judy Carsrud
    Michael Lloyd
    Greenberg Tarig

    If you were involved with one of these plans there is a great chance that you need to file, or properly re-file your 8886 form to avoid
    fines and penalties.

    Call 516-935-7346 for assistance in the analysis of your needs today.


  2. What Plan Were You In?

    Welfare benefit plans (419), 412i, captive insurance and Section 79 plans are under intense IRS scrutiny and no matter what plan
    you were in, you surely need help now. The IRS has been cracking down on 419, 412i, listed transactions and virtually all plans,
    making it difficult for anyone who has been involved with one of these plans. Listed below are some of the companies and names of
    salesmen, and others that you may recognize.

    Plan Names:

    Beta plan
    Millennium plan
    Grist Mill Trust
    Compass welfare benefit plan
    Sea Nine VEBA
    Professional Benefits Trust
    Integrity 419
    Integrity Benefit Plan
    Veba Plan
    Sterling 419

    People, law firms, etc., affiliated with plans:
    Doug Williams
    Arch Bonnema
    Steve Toth
    Michael Sonnenberg
    Ron Snyder
    Brian Cave
    Norman Bevan
    Dennis Cunning
    Williams Coulson
    Phil Rowe
    Kenny Hartstein
    Judy Carsrud
    Michael Lloyd
    Greenberg Tarig

    If you were involved with one of these plans there is a great chance that you need to file, or properly re-file your 8886 form to avoid
    fines and penalties.

    Call 516-935-7346 for assistance in the analysis of your needs today.
