Tax Audit Experts - Don't Write That Big IRS Check Yet!

Tax Audit Experts - Don't Write That Big IRS Check Yet!

1 comment:

  1. Need some help from the "419" and "412i" abusive tax shelter expert?
    "Expert" Lance Wallach's side has never lost a case!

    The Tax Audit Pros
    5 1 6 - 9 3 8 - 5 0 0 7

    Lance Wallach
    More Credentials:
    National Society of Accountants
    Speaker of the Year and member of
    AICPA faculty of teaching
    Frequent speaker on retirement
    plans, financial and estate planning,
    and abusive tax shelters.
    Writes about 412(i), 419, and
    captive insurance plans.
    Speaks at more than ten
    conventions annually
    Writes for more than fifty
    Is quoted regularly in the press and
    has been featured on television and
    radio financial talk shows including
    NBC, National Pubic Radio's All
    Things Considered, and others.
    Author of Protecting Clients from
    Fraud, Incompetence and Scams
    published by John Wiley and Sons
    Author of Bisk Education's CPA's
    Guide to Life Insurance and
    Federal Estate and Gift Taxation.
    Author of AICPA best-selling
    books, including Avoiding Circular
    230 Malpractice Traps and
    Common Abusive Small Business
    Hot Spots.
    Lance Wallach publishes extensively on this
    subject - something the authorities look for
    in an Expert Witness:

    Get Sued!

    Small Business and Retirement Plans Fuel

    Advisors Staring at a New "Slew" of
    Litigation from Small Business Clients

    IRS Says Most 419 Plans are Abusive Tax
    516 - 938 - 5007

    What Plan Were You In?
    When you have "IRS problems", you
    need a proven winner to stand up to
    them and help you avoid "IRS penalties
    and fines.

    If you are suffering from "IRS tax
    penalties you should know that when
    Lance Wallach was on a team.........

    His side never lost a case!

    Due to recent changes in "IRS regulations",
    both participants and their "material advisors"
    can be subject to large "IRS tax penalties"! The
    IRS is auditing many of these "benefit plans"
    516 - 938 - 5007
    for preventive advice today
    before it's too late!
    Nationwide Assistance!
    Email Here
    Expert Witness Services

    Litigation Consulting
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    Evidence Review and Forensic Analysis
    Complaint, Petition, and Response
    Preparation Assistance
    Damage Calculations
    Expert Declarations and Affidavits
    Exhibits for Settlement Conference,
    Mediation, and Trial
    Active Litigation: Rebuttal Witness
    Deposition, Arbitration, and Trial
